
The command line interface of AiiDA.

Package Contents#



The ParamType for identifying absolute Paths (derived from click.Path).


The ParamType for identifying Calculation entities or its subclasses


The ParamType for identifying Code entities or its subclasses


The ParamType for identifying Computer entities or its subclasses


ParamType for configuration options.


The ParamType for identifying Data entities or its subclasses


Subclass of click.Group that loads subcommands dynamically from entry points.


Parameter whose values have to correspond to a valid email address format.


Parameter whose values have to be valid Python entry point strings.


Extension of click’s File-type to include URLs.


The ParamType for identifying Group entities or its subclasses.


Parameter corresponding to a valid hostname (or empty) string.


An extension of click.ParamType for a generic identifier parameter. In AiiDA, orm entities can often be identified by either their ID, UUID or optionally some LABEL identifier. This parameter type implements the convert method, which attempts to convert a value passed to the command for a parameter with this type, to an orm entity. The actual loading of the entity is delegated to the orm class loader. Subclasses of this parameter type should implement the orm_class_loader method to return the appropriate orm class loader, which should be a subclass of aiida.orm.utils.loaders.OrmEntityLoader for the corresponding orm class.


Parameter accepting valid label strings.


This is a delegate of click’s Choice ParamType that evaluates the set of choices lazily. This is useful if the choices set requires an import that is slow. Using the vanilla click.Choice will call this on import which will slow down verdi and its autocomplete. This type will generate the choices set lazily through the choices property


Custom click param type for mpirun-command


An extension of click.ParamType that can parse multiple values for a given ParamType


The ParamType for identifying Node entities or its subclasses


Parameter whose values have to be string and non-empty.


Extension of click’s Path-type to include URLs.


AiiDA Plugin name parameter type.


The ParamType for identifying ProcessNode entities or its subclasses


The profile parameter type for click.


Custom click param type for shebang line


The user parameter type for click. Can get or create a user.


Subclass of click.Group for the verdi CLI.


The ParamType for identifying WorkflowNode entities or its subclasses



Loads the dbenv for a specific region of code, does not unload afterwards


Log a critical error message to the cmdline logger and exit with exit_status.


Log the given dictionary to stdout in the given format


Log an error message to the cmdline logger.


Log an info message to the cmdline logger.


Log an report message to the cmdline logger.


Log a success message to the cmdline logger.


Log a warning message to the cmdline logger.


Print a tree like the POSIX tree command for the calculation call graph


Return whether the configured logging verbosity is considered verbose, i.e., equal or lower to INFO level.


Function decorator for CLI command to print critical error and exit automatically when daemon is not running.


Function decorator that will load the database environment for the currently loaded profile.


class aiida.cmdline.AbsolutePathParamType#

Bases: click.Path

The ParamType for identifying absolute Paths (derived from click.Path).

name = 'AbsolutePath'#
convert(value, param, ctx)#
class aiida.cmdline.CalculationParamType#

Bases: aiida.cmdline.params.types.identifier.IdentifierParamType

The ParamType for identifying Calculation entities or its subclasses

name = 'Calculation'#
property orm_class_loader#

Return the orm entity loader class, which should be a subclass of OrmEntityLoader. This class is supposed to be used to load the entity for a given identifier


the orm entity loader class for this ParamType

class aiida.cmdline.CodeParamType(sub_classes=None, entry_point=None)#

Bases: aiida.cmdline.params.types.identifier.IdentifierParamType

The ParamType for identifying Code entities or its subclasses


Construct the param type

  • sub_classes – specify a tuple of Code sub classes to narrow the query set

  • entry_point – specify an optional calculation entry point that the Code’s input plugin should match

name = 'Code'#
property orm_class_loader#

Return the orm entity loader class, which should be a subclass of OrmEntityLoader. This class is supposed to be used to load the entity for a given identifier


the orm entity loader class for this ParamType

shell_complete(ctx, param, incomplete)#

Return possible completions based on an incomplete value.


list of tuples of valid entry points (matching incomplete) and a description

convert(value, param, ctx)#
class aiida.cmdline.ComputerParamType#

Bases: aiida.cmdline.params.types.identifier.IdentifierParamType

The ParamType for identifying Computer entities or its subclasses

name = 'Computer'#
property orm_class_loader#

Return the orm entity loader class, which should be a subclass of OrmEntityLoader. This class is supposed to be used to load the entity for a given identifier


the orm entity loader class for this ParamType

shell_complete(ctx, param, incomplete)#

Return possible completions based on an incomplete value.


list of tuples of valid entry points (matching incomplete) and a description

class aiida.cmdline.ConfigOptionParamType#

Bases: click.types.StringParamType

ParamType for configuration options.

name = 'config option'#
convert(value, param, ctx)#
shell_complete(ctx, param, incomplete)#

Return possible completions based on an incomplete value


list of tuples of valid entry points (matching incomplete) and a description

class aiida.cmdline.DataParamType(sub_classes=None)#

Bases: aiida.cmdline.params.types.identifier.IdentifierParamType

The ParamType for identifying Data entities or its subclasses


Construct the parameter type, optionally specifying a tuple of entry points that reference classes that should be a sub class of the base orm class of the orm class loader. The classes pointed to by these entry points will be passed to the OrmEntityLoader when converting an identifier and they will restrict the query set by demanding that the class of the corresponding entity matches these sub classes.

To prevent having to load the database environment at import time, the actual loading of the entry points is deferred until the call to convert is made. This is to keep the command line autocompletion light and responsive. The entry point strings will be validated, however, to see if the correspond to known entry points.


sub_classes – a tuple of entry point strings that can narrow the set of orm classes that values will be mapped upon. These classes have to be strict sub classes of the base orm class defined by the orm class loader

name = 'Data'#
property orm_class_loader#

Return the orm entity loader class, which should be a subclass of OrmEntityLoader. This class is supposed to be used to load the entity for a given identifier


the orm entity loader class for this ParamType

class aiida.cmdline.DynamicEntryPointCommandGroup(command, entry_point_group: str, entry_point_name_filter='.*', **kwargs)#

Bases: aiida.cmdline.groups.verdi.VerdiCommandGroup

Subclass of click.Group that loads subcommands dynamically from entry points.

A command group using this class will automatically generate the sub commands from the entry points registered in the given entry_point_group. The entry points can be additionally filtered using a regex defined for the entry_point_name_filter keyword. The actual command for each entry point is defined by command, which should take as a first argument the class that corresponds to the entry point. In addition, it should accept kwargs which will be the values for the options passed when the command is invoked. The help string of the command will be provided by the docstring of the class registered at the respective entry point. Example usage:

def create_instance(cls, **kwargs):
    instance = cls(**kwargs)
    echo.echo_success(f'Created {cls.__name__}<{}>')'create', cls=DynamicEntryPointCommandGroup, command=create_instance,)
def cmd_create():


list_commands(ctx) list[str]#

Return the sorted list of subcommands for this group.


ctx – The click.Context.

get_command(ctx, cmd_name)#

Return the command with the given name.

  • ctx – The click.Context.

  • cmd_name – The name of the command.


The click.Command.


Create a subcommand for the given entry_point.


Create the option decorators for the command function for the given entry point.


entry_point – The entry point.


Return the list of options that should be applied to the command for the given entry point.


entry_point – The entry point.

static create_option(name, spec)#

Create a click option from a name and a specification.

class aiida.cmdline.EmailType#

Bases: click.types.StringParamType

Parameter whose values have to correspond to a valid email address format.


For the moment, we do not require the domain suffix, i.e. β€˜aiida@localhost’ is still valid.

name = 'email'#
convert(value, param, ctx)#
class aiida.cmdline.EntryPointType#

Bases: aiida.cmdline.params.types.strings.NonEmptyStringParamType

Parameter whose values have to be valid Python entry point strings.


name = 'entrypoint'#
convert(value, param, ctx)#
class aiida.cmdline.FileOrUrl(timeout_seconds=URL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, **kwargs)#

Bases: click.File

Extension of click’s File-type to include URLs.

Returns handle either to local file or to remote file fetched from URL.


timeout_seconds (int) – Maximum timeout accepted for URL response. Must be an integer in the range [0;60].


name = 'FileOrUrl'#
convert(value, param, ctx)#

Return file handle.

get_url(url, param, ctx)#

Retrieve file from URL.

class aiida.cmdline.GroupParamType(create_if_not_exist=False, sub_classes=('aiida.groups:core',))#

Bases: aiida.cmdline.params.types.identifier.IdentifierParamType

The ParamType for identifying Group entities or its subclasses.


Construct the parameter type.

The sub_classes argument can be used to narrow the set of subclasses of Group that should be matched. By default all subclasses of Group will be matched, otherwise it is restricted to the subclasses that correspond to the entry point names in the tuple of sub_classes.

To prevent having to load the database environment at import time, the actual loading of the entry points is deferred until the call to convert is made. This is to keep the command line autocompletion light and responsive. The entry point strings will be validated, however, to see if they correspond to known entry points.

  • create_if_not_exist – boolean, if True, will create the group if it does not yet exist. By default the group created will be of class Group, unless another subclass is specified through sub_classes. Note that in this case, only a single entry point name can be specified

  • sub_classes – a tuple of entry point strings from the aiida.groups entry point group.

name = 'Group'#
property orm_class_loader#

Return the orm entity loader class, which should be a subclass of OrmEntityLoader.

This class is supposed to be used to load the entity for a given identifier.


the orm entity loader class for this ParamType

shell_complete(ctx, param, incomplete)#

Return possible completions based on an incomplete value.


list of tuples of valid entry points (matching incomplete) and a description

convert(value, param, ctx)#
class aiida.cmdline.HostnameType#

Bases: click.types.StringParamType

Parameter corresponding to a valid hostname (or empty) string.

Regex according to

name = 'hostname'#
convert(value, param, ctx)#
class aiida.cmdline.IdentifierParamType(sub_classes=None)#

Bases: click.ParamType, abc.ABC

An extension of click.ParamType for a generic identifier parameter. In AiiDA, orm entities can often be identified by either their ID, UUID or optionally some LABEL identifier. This parameter type implements the convert method, which attempts to convert a value passed to the command for a parameter with this type, to an orm entity. The actual loading of the entity is delegated to the orm class loader. Subclasses of this parameter type should implement the orm_class_loader method to return the appropriate orm class loader, which should be a subclass of aiida.orm.utils.loaders.OrmEntityLoader for the corresponding orm class.


Construct the parameter type, optionally specifying a tuple of entry points that reference classes that should be a sub class of the base orm class of the orm class loader. The classes pointed to by these entry points will be passed to the OrmEntityLoader when converting an identifier and they will restrict the query set by demanding that the class of the corresponding entity matches these sub classes.

To prevent having to load the database environment at import time, the actual loading of the entry points is deferred until the call to convert is made. This is to keep the command line autocompletion light and responsive. The entry point strings will be validated, however, to see if the correspond to known entry points.


sub_classes – a tuple of entry point strings that can narrow the set of orm classes that values will be mapped upon. These classes have to be strict sub classes of the base orm class defined by the orm class loader

abstract property orm_class_loader#

Return the orm entity loader class, which should be a subclass of OrmEntityLoader. This class is supposed to be used to load the entity for a given identifier


the orm entity loader class for this ParamType

convert(value, param, ctx)#

Attempt to convert the given value to an instance of the orm class using the orm class loader.


the loaded orm entity

  • click.BadParameter – if the value is ambiguous and leads to multiple entities

  • click.BadParameter – if the value cannot be mapped onto any existing instance

  • RuntimeError – if the defined orm class loader is not a subclass of the OrmEntityLoader class

class aiida.cmdline.LabelStringType#

Bases: aiida.cmdline.params.types.strings.NonEmptyStringParamType

Parameter accepting valid label strings.

Non-empty string, made up of word characters (includes underscores [1]), dashes, and dots.

[1] See

name = 'labelstring'#
ALPHABET = '\\w\\.\\-'#
convert(value, param, ctx)#
class aiida.cmdline.LazyChoice(get_choices)#

Bases: click.ParamType

This is a delegate of click’s Choice ParamType that evaluates the set of choices lazily. This is useful if the choices set requires an import that is slow. Using the vanilla click.Choice will call this on import which will slow down verdi and its autocomplete. This type will generate the choices set lazily through the choices property


name = 'choice'#
property _click_choice#

Get the internal click Choice object that we delegate functionality to. Will construct it lazily if necessary.


The click Choice

Return type:


property choices#
convert(value, param, ctx)#
class aiida.cmdline.MpirunCommandParamType#

Bases: click.types.StringParamType

Custom click param type for mpirun-command


requires also a scheduler to be provided, and the scheduler must be called first!

Validate that the provided β€˜mpirun’ command only contains replacement fields (e.g. {tot_num_mpiprocs}) that are known.

Return a list of arguments (by using β€˜value.strip().split(” β€œ) on the input string)

name = 'mpiruncommandstring'#
convert(value, param, ctx)#
class aiida.cmdline.MultipleValueParamType(param_type)#

Bases: click.ParamType

An extension of click.ParamType that can parse multiple values for a given ParamType


convert(value, param, ctx)#
class aiida.cmdline.NodeParamType#

Bases: aiida.cmdline.params.types.identifier.IdentifierParamType

The ParamType for identifying Node entities or its subclasses

name = 'Node'#
property orm_class_loader#

Return the orm entity loader class, which should be a subclass of OrmEntityLoader. This class is supposed to be used to load the entity for a given identifier


the orm entity loader class for this ParamType

class aiida.cmdline.NonEmptyStringParamType#

Bases: click.types.StringParamType

Parameter whose values have to be string and non-empty.

name = 'nonemptystring'#
convert(value, param, ctx)#
class aiida.cmdline.PathOrUrl(timeout_seconds=URL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, **kwargs)#

Bases: click.Path

Extension of click’s Path-type to include URLs.

A PathOrUrl can either be a click.Path-type or a URL.


timeout_seconds (int) – Maximum timeout accepted for URL response. Must be an integer in the range [0;60].


name = 'PathOrUrl'#
convert(value, param, ctx)#

Overwrite convert Check first if click.Path-type, then check if URL.

checks_url(url, param, ctx)#

Check whether URL is reachable within timeout.

class aiida.cmdline.PluginParamType(group=None, load=False, *args, **kwargs)#

Bases: aiida.cmdline.params.types.strings.EntryPointType

AiiDA Plugin name parameter type.

  • group – string or tuple of strings, where each is a valid entry point group. Adding the aiida. prefix is optional. If it is not detected it will be prepended internally.

  • load – when set to True, convert will not return the entry point, but the loaded entry point


click.option(... type=PluginParamType(group='aiida.calculations')


click.option(... type=PluginParamType(group=('calculations', 'data'))


Validate that group is either a string or a tuple of valid entry point groups, or if it is not specified use the tuple of all recognized entry point groups.

name = 'plugin'#
_factory_mapping = None#

Populate entry point information that will be used later on. This should only be called once in the constructor after setting self.groups because the groups should not be changed after instantiation

property groups#
property has_potential_ambiguity#

Returns whether the set of supported entry point groups can lead to ambiguity when only an entry point name is specified. This will happen if one ore more groups share an entry point with a common name


Return a list of all available plugins for the groups configured for this PluginParamType instance. If the entry point names are not unique, because there are multiple groups that contain an entry point that has an identical name, we need to prefix the names with the full group name


list of valid entry point strings


Return a list of plugins starting with incomplete

shell_complete(ctx, param, incomplete)#

Return possible completions based on an incomplete value


list of tuples of valid entry points (matching incomplete) and a description


Validate a given entry point string, which means that it should have a valid entry point string format and that the entry point unambiguously corresponds to an entry point in the groups configured for this instance of PluginParameterType.


the entry point if valid


ValueError if the entry point string is invalid

convert(value, param, ctx)#

Convert the string value to an entry point instance, if the value can be successfully parsed into an actual entry point. Will raise click.BadParameter if validation fails.

class aiida.cmdline.ProcessParamType#

Bases: aiida.cmdline.params.types.identifier.IdentifierParamType

The ParamType for identifying ProcessNode entities or its subclasses

name = 'Process'#
property orm_class_loader#

Return the orm entity loader class, which should be a subclass of OrmEntityLoader. This class is supposed to be used to load the entity for a given identifier


the orm entity loader class for this ParamType

class aiida.cmdline.ProfileParamType(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: aiida.cmdline.params.types.strings.LabelStringType

The profile parameter type for click.

This parameter type requires the command that uses it to define the context_class class attribute to be the aiida.cmdline.groups.verdi.VerdiContext class, as that is responsible for creating the user defined object obj on the context and loads the instance config.


name = 'profile'#
static deconvert_default(value)#
convert(value, param, ctx)#

Attempt to match the given value to a valid profile.

shell_complete(ctx, param, incomplete)#

Return possible completions based on an incomplete value


list of tuples of valid entry points (matching incomplete) and a description

class aiida.cmdline.ShebangParamType#

Bases: click.types.StringParamType

Custom click param type for shebang line

name = 'shebangline'#
convert(value, param, ctx)#
class aiida.cmdline.UserParamType(create=False)#

Bases: click.ParamType

The user parameter type for click. Can get or create a user.



create – If the user does not exist, create a new instance (unstored).

name = 'user'#
convert(value, param, ctx)#
shell_complete(ctx, param, incomplete)#

Return possible completions based on an incomplete value


list of tuples of valid entry points (matching incomplete) and a description

class aiida.cmdline.VerdiCommandGroup#

Bases: click.Group

Subclass of click.Group for the verdi CLI.

The class automatically adds the verbosity option to all commands in the interface. It also adds some functionality to provide suggestions of commands in case the user provided command name does not exist.

context_class = None#
static add_verbosity_option(cmd)#

Apply the verbosity option to the command, which is common to all verdi commands.

fail_with_suggestions(ctx, cmd_name)#

Fail the command while trying to suggest commands to resemble the requested cmd_name.

get_command(ctx, cmd_name)#

Return the command that corresponds to the requested cmd_name.

This method is overridden from the base class in order to two functionalities:

  • If the command is found, automatically add the verbosity option.

  • If the command is not found, attempt to provide a list of suggestions with existing commands that resemble the requested command name.

Note that if the command is not found and resilient_parsing is set to True on the context, then the latter feature is disabled because most likely we are operating in tab-completion mode.

group(*args, **kwargs)#

Ensure that sub command groups use the same class but do not override an explicitly set value.

class aiida.cmdline.WorkflowParamType#

Bases: aiida.cmdline.params.types.identifier.IdentifierParamType

The ParamType for identifying WorkflowNode entities or its subclasses

name = 'WorkflowNode'#
property orm_class_loader#

Return the orm entity loader class, which should be a subclass of OrmEntityLoader. This class is supposed to be used to load the entity for a given identifier


the orm entity loader class for this ParamType


Loads the dbenv for a specific region of code, does not unload afterwards

Only use when it makes it possible to avoid loading the dbenv for certain code paths

Good Example:

# do this
@click.option('--with-db', is_flag=True)
def profile_info(with_db):
    # read the config file

    # load the db only if necessary
    if with_db:
        with dbenv():
            # gather db statistics for the profile

This will run very fast without the –with-db flag and slow only if database info is requested

Do not use if you will end up loading the dbenv anyway

Bad Example:

# don't do this
def my_function():
    with dbenv():
        # read from db

    # do db unrelated stuff
aiida.cmdline.echo_critical(message: str, bold: bool = False, nl: bool = True, err: bool = True, prefix: bool = True) None#

Log a critical error message to the cmdline logger and exit with exit_status.

This should be used to print messages for errors that cannot be recovered from and so the script should be directly terminated with a non-zero exit status to indicate that the command failed.

  • message – the message to log.

  • bold – whether to format the message in bold.

  • nl – whether to add a newline at the end of the message.

  • err – whether to log to stderr.

  • prefix – whether the message should be prefixed with a colored version of the log level.

aiida.cmdline.echo_dictionary(dictionary, fmt='json+date', sort_keys=True)#

Log the given dictionary to stdout in the given format

  • dictionary – the dictionary

  • fmt – the format to use for printing

  • sort_keys – Whether to automatically sort keys

aiida.cmdline.echo_error(message: str, bold: bool = False, nl: bool = True, err: bool = True, prefix: bool = True) None#

Log an error message to the cmdline logger.

  • message – the message to log.

  • bold – whether to format the message in bold.

  • nl – whether to add a newline at the end of the message.

  • err – whether to log to stderr.

  • prefix – whether the message should be prefixed with a colored version of the log level.

aiida.cmdline.echo_info(message: str, bold: bool = False, nl: bool = True, err: bool = False, prefix: bool = True) None#

Log an info message to the cmdline logger.

  • message – the message to log.

  • bold – whether to format the message in bold.

  • nl – whether to add a newline at the end of the message.

  • err – whether to log to stderr.

  • prefix – whether the message should be prefixed with a colored version of the log level.

aiida.cmdline.echo_report(message: str, bold: bool = False, nl: bool = True, err: bool = False, prefix: bool = True) None#

Log an report message to the cmdline logger.

  • message – the message to log.

  • bold – whether to format the message in bold.

  • nl – whether to add a newline at the end of the message.

  • err – whether to log to stderr.

  • prefix – whether the message should be prefixed with a colored version of the log level.

aiida.cmdline.echo_success(message: str, bold: bool = False, nl: bool = True, err: bool = False, prefix: bool = True) None#

Log a success message to the cmdline logger.


The message will be logged at the REPORT level and always with the Success: prefix.

  • message – the message to log.

  • bold – whether to format the message in bold.

  • nl – whether to add a newline at the end of the message.

  • err – whether to log to stderr.

  • prefix – whether the message should be prefixed with a colored version of the log level.

aiida.cmdline.echo_warning(message: str, bold: bool = False, nl: bool = True, err: bool = False, prefix: bool = True) None#

Log a warning message to the cmdline logger.

  • message – the message to log.

  • bold – whether to format the message in bold.

  • nl – whether to add a newline at the end of the message.

  • err – whether to log to stderr.

  • prefix – whether the message should be prefixed with a colored version of the log level.

aiida.cmdline.format_call_graph(calc_node, max_depth: int = None, info_fn=calc_info)#

Print a tree like the POSIX tree command for the calculation call graph

  • calc_node – The calculation node

  • max_depth – Maximum depth of the call graph to print

  • info_fn – An optional function that takes the node and returns a string of information to be displayed for each node.


Return whether the configured logging verbosity is considered verbose, i.e., equal or lower to INFO level.


This checks the effective logging level that is set on the CMDLINE_LOGGER. This means that it will consider the logging level set on the parent AIIDA_LOGGER if not explicitly set on itself. The level of the main logger can be manipulated from the command line through the VERBOSITY option that is available for all commands.

aiida.cmdline.only_if_daemon_running(echo_function=echo.echo_critical, message=None)#

Function decorator for CLI command to print critical error and exit automatically when daemon is not running.

The error printing and exit behavior can be controlled with the decorator keyword arguments. The default message that is printed can be overridden as well as the echo function that is to be used. By default it uses the aiida.cmdline.utils.echo.echo_critical function which automatically aborts the command. The function can be substituted by for example aiida.cmdline.utils.echo.echo_warning to instead print just a warning and continue.


@only_if_daemon_running(echo_function=echo.echo_warning, message='beware that the daemon is not running')
def create_node():
  • echo_function – echo function to issue the message, should be from aiida.cmdline.utils.echo

  • message – optional message to override the default message


Function decorator that will load the database environment for the currently loaded profile.


if no profile has been loaded yet, the default profile will be loaded first.


def create_node():
    from aiida.orm import Int  # note the local import
    node = Int(1).store()