
The configuration for the extension.

Module Contents#



A package-level config item.


The configuration for autoapi.



Coerce the packages config option to a set.


Validate that an item is a list of tuples.


Validate that the hidden objects config option is a set.


Validate that an item is a list of regexes.


Validate that an item is a list of (regex, str) tuples.


Load a renderer class.


Load a list of (regex, renderer).



exception autodoc2.config.ValidationError[source]#

Bases: Exception

An error validating a config value.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

autodoc2.config.CONFIG_PREFIX = 'autodoc2_'#
class autodoc2.config.PackageConfig[source]#

A package-level config item.

path: str = 'field(...)'#
from_git_clone: tuple[str, str] | None = 'field(...)'#
module: str | None = 'field(...)'#
exclude_dirs: list[str] = 'field(...)'#
exclude_files: list[str] = 'field(...)'#
auto_mode: bool = 'field(...)'#
as_triple() Iterable[tuple[str, Any, dataclasses.Field]][source]#

Yield triples of (name, value, field).

autodoc2.config._coerce_packages(name: str, item: Any) list[autodoc2.config.PackageConfig][source]#

Coerce the packages config option to a set.

autodoc2.config._validate_replace_list(name: str, item: Any) list[tuple[str, str]][source]#

Validate that an item is a list of tuples.

autodoc2.config._validate_hidden_objects(name: str, item: Any) set[str][source]#

Validate that the hidden objects config option is a set.

autodoc2.config._validate_regex_list(name: str, item: Any) list[Pattern[str]][source]#

Validate that an item is a list of regexes.

autodoc2.config._validate_list_tuple_regex_str(name: str, item: Any) list[tuple[Pattern[str], str]][source]#

Validate that an item is a list of (regex, str) tuples.

autodoc2.config._load_renderer(name: str, item: Any) type[autodoc2.render.base.RendererBase][source]#

Load a renderer class.

autodoc2.config._load_regex_renderers(name: str, item: Any) list[tuple[Pattern[str], type[autodoc2.render.base.RendererBase]]][source]#

Load a list of (regex, renderer).

class autodoc2.config.Config[source]#

The configuration for autoapi.

packages: list[autodoc2.config.PackageConfig] = 'field(...)'#
output_dir: str = 'field(...)'#
render_plugin: type[autodoc2.render.base.RendererBase] = 'field(...)'#
render_plugin_regexes: list[tuple[Pattern[str], type[autodoc2.render.base.RendererBase]]] = 'field(...)'#
module_all_regexes: list[Pattern[str]] = 'field(...)'#
skip_module_regexes: list[Pattern[str]] = 'field(...)'#
hidden_objects: set[Literal[undoc, dunder, private, inherited]] = 'field(...)'#
hidden_regexes: list[Pattern[str]] = 'field(...)'#
no_index: bool = 'field(...)'#
deprecated_module_regexes: list[Pattern[str]] = 'field(...)'#
module_summary: bool = 'field(...)'#
docstring_parser_regexes: list[tuple[Pattern[str], str]] = 'field(...)'#
class_docstring: Literal[merge, both] = 'field(...)'#
class_inheritance: bool = 'field(...)'#
annotations: bool = 'field(...)'#
docstrings: Literal[all, direct, none] = 'field(...)'#
sort_names: bool = 'field(...)'#
replace_annotations: list[tuple[str, str]] = 'field(...)'#
replace_bases: list[tuple[str, str]] = 'field(...)'#
index_template: str | None = 'field(...)'#
as_triple() Iterable[tuple[str, Any, dataclasses.Field]][source]#

Yield triples of (name, value, field).