
Analyse of Python code using astroid.

The core function though analyse_module is agnostic to the implementation, It simply yields ItemData typed-dicts.

Module Contents#




Analyse the given module and yield items.


Get the full name of a node.


Get the parent name of a node.


Remove common leading indentation, where the indentation of the first line is ignored.




Yield data for an annotation assignment node.


Yield data for an assignment node.


Yield data for an assignment node.


Yield data for a function definition node.


Yield data for a class definition node.



autodoc2.analysis.__all__ = ['analyse_module']#
autodoc2.analysis.analyse_module(file_path: pathlib.Path, name: str, exclude_external_imports: Pattern[str] | None = None) Iterable[autodoc2.utils.ItemData][source]#

Analyse the given module and yield items.

  • file_path – The path to the module.

  • name – The name of the module, e.g. β€œ”.

  • record_external_imports – If given, record these external imports on the module. These are only used to determine what is exposed by __all__, which is only usually objects in the same package. But if you want to expose objects from other packages, you can use this to record them.

autodoc2.analysis._dc_kwargs: dict[str, bool] = None#
class autodoc2.analysis.State[source]#
package_name: str = None#
name_stack: list[str] = None#
exclude_external_imports: Pattern[str] | None = None#
copy(**kwargs: Any) autodoc2.analysis.State[source]#

Copy the state and update the given attributes.

autodoc2.analysis._get_full_name(name: str, name_stack: list[str]) str[source]#

Get the full name of a node.

autodoc2.analysis._get_parent_name(name: str) str[source]#

Get the parent name of a node.

autodoc2.analysis.fix_docstring_indent(s: None | str, tabsize: int = 8) str[source]#

Remove common leading indentation, where the indentation of the first line is ignored.

autodoc2.analysis.walk_node(node: astroid.nodes.NodeNG, state: autodoc2.analysis.State) Iterable[autodoc2.utils.ItemData][source]#
autodoc2.analysis.yield_module(node: astroid.nodes.Module, state: autodoc2.analysis.State) Iterable[autodoc2.utils.ItemData][source]#
autodoc2.analysis.yield_annotation_assign(node: astroid.nodes.AnnAssign, state: autodoc2.analysis.State) Iterable[autodoc2.utils.ItemData][source]#

Yield data for an annotation assignment node.

autodoc2.analysis.yield_assign(node: astroid.nodes.Assign, state: autodoc2.analysis.State) Iterable[autodoc2.utils.ItemData][source]#

Yield data for an assignment node.

autodoc2.analysis._yield_assign(node: astroid.nodes.Assign | astroid.nodes.AnnAssign, state: autodoc2.analysis.State) Iterable[autodoc2.utils.ItemData][source]#

Yield data for an assignment node.

autodoc2.analysis.yield_function_def(node: astroid.nodes.FunctionDef | astroid.nodes.AsyncFunctionDef, state: autodoc2.analysis.State) Iterable[autodoc2.utils.ItemData][source]#

Yield data for a function definition node.

autodoc2.analysis.yield_class_def(node: astroid.nodes.ClassDef, state: autodoc2.analysis.State) Iterable[autodoc2.utils.ItemData][source]#

Yield data for a class definition node.

autodoc2.analysis._FUNC_MAPPER: dict[astroid.nodes.NodeNG, Callable[[astroid.nodes.NodeNG, autodoc2.analysis.State], Iterable[autodoc2.utils.ItemData]]] = None#