Source code for autodoc2.analysis

"""Analyse of Python code using astroid.

The core function though `analyse_module` is agnostic to the implementation,
It simply yields `ItemData` typed-dicts.
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, replace
import itertools
import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import typing as t

from astroid import nodes
from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder

from . import astroid_utils

    from .utils import PROPERTY_TYPE, ItemData

__all__ = ["analyse_module"]

[docs]def analyse_module( file_path: Path, name: str, exclude_external_imports: t.Pattern[str] | None = None ) -> t.Iterable[ItemData]: """Analyse the given module and yield items. :param file_path: The path to the module. :param name: The name of the module, e.g. "". :param record_external_imports: If given, record these external imports on the module. These are only used to determine what is exposed by __all__, which is only usually objects in the same package. But if you want to expose objects from other packages, you can use this to record them. """ # TODO expose record_external_imports everywhere analyse_module is used node = AstroidBuilder().file_build(os.fsdecode(file_path), name) yield from walk_node( node, State(".", 1)[0], [], exclude_external_imports) )
_dc_kwargs: dict[str, bool] = {"frozen": True} if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): _dc_kwargs["slots"] = True
[docs]@dataclass(**_dc_kwargs) class State: package_name: str name_stack: list[str] exclude_external_imports: t.Pattern[str] | None
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs: t.Any) -> State: """Copy the state and update the given attributes.""" return replace(self, **kwargs)
[docs]def _get_full_name(name: str, name_stack: list[str]) -> str: """Get the full name of a node.""" return ".".join([*name_stack, name])
[docs]def _get_parent_name(name: str) -> str: """Get the parent name of a node.""" return ".".join(name.split(".")[:-1])
[docs]def fix_docstring_indent(s: None | str, tabsize: int = 8) -> str: """Remove common leading indentation, where the indentation of the first line is ignored. """ if s is None: return "" # TODO improve docstring indentation; # it would be better if we could use the indentation of the docstring, # i.e. `<indent>"""...` lines = s.expandtabs(tabsize).splitlines() # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after ignored lines. margin = sys.maxsize for line in lines[1:]: content = len(line.lstrip()) if content: indent = len(line) - content margin = min(margin, indent) # Remove indentation from the first line. if len(lines): lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip() if margin < sys.maxsize: for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:] # Remove any leading blank lines. while lines and not lines[0]: lines.pop(0) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]def walk_node(node: nodes.NodeNG, state: State) -> t.Iterable[ItemData]: func = _FUNC_MAPPER.get(type(node)) if func is not None: yield from func(node, state)
[docs]def yield_module(node: nodes.Module, state: State) -> t.Iterable[ItemData]: path = node.path if isinstance(node.path, list): path = node.path[0] if node.path else None parent: ItemData = { "type": "package" if node.package else "module", "full_name":, "doc": fix_docstring_indent( node.doc_node.value if node.doc_node is not None else None ), "file_path": path, "encoding": node.file_encoding, "all": astroid_utils.get_module_all(node), } for child in node.get_children(): if isinstance(child, nodes.ImportFrom): # Note, the code below restricts to local imports, which was in sphinx-autoapi # However, we potentially need all imports, to be able to resolve __all__ exports # (i.e. the public API) since packages could expose aspects of other packages # To limit what we store in the database, we allow for filtering out imports # for example, it might be reasonably assumed that nothing imported from the typing module # is part of the public API if not ( child.level or child.modname == state.package_name or child.modname.startswith(state.package_name + ".") ) and ( child.modname and state.exclude_external_imports and state.exclude_external_imports.fullmatch(child.modname) ): continue imports = parent.setdefault("imports", []) for name, alias in child.names: original_path = astroid_utils.get_full_import_name(child, alias or name) imports.append((original_path, alias)) yield parent for child in node.get_children(): yield from walk_node(child, state.copy(name_stack=[]))
[docs]def yield_annotation_assign( node: nodes.AnnAssign, state: State ) -> t.Iterable[ItemData]: """Yield data for an annotation assignment node.""" if not isinstance(, nodes.AssignAttr): yield from _yield_assign(node, state)
[docs]def yield_assign(node: nodes.Assign, state: State) -> t.Iterable[ItemData]: """Yield data for an assignment node.""" if not any(isinstance(target, nodes.AssignAttr) for target in node.targets): yield from _yield_assign(node, state)
[docs]def _yield_assign( node: nodes.Assign | nodes.AnnAssign, state: State ) -> t.Iterable[ItemData]: """Yield data for an assignment node.""" doc = "" doc_node = node.next_sibling() if isinstance(doc_node, nodes.Expr) and isinstance(doc_node.value, nodes.Const): doc = doc_node.value.value type_ = "data" if isinstance(node.scope(), nodes.ClassDef) or astroid_utils.is_constructor( node.scope() ): type_ = "attribute" assign_value = astroid_utils.get_assign_value(node) if not assign_value: return target = assign_value[0] value = assign_value[1] annotation = astroid_utils.get_assign_annotation(node) data: ItemData = { "type": type_, "full_name": _get_full_name(target, state.name_stack), "doc": fix_docstring_indent(doc), "value": value, "annotation": annotation, } if node.fromlineno is not None and node.tolineno is not None: data["range"] = (node.fromlineno, node.tolineno) yield data
[docs]def yield_function_def( node: nodes.FunctionDef | nodes.AsyncFunctionDef, state: State ) -> t.Iterable[ItemData]: """Yield data for a function definition node.""" if astroid_utils.is_decorated_with_property_setter(node): return if astroid_utils.is_decorated_as_singledispatch_register(node): # functools.singledispatch registers, we just ignore these for now, # since they are not really functions return type_ = "method" properties: list[PROPERTY_TYPE] = [] if node.type == "function": type_ = "function" if isinstance(node, nodes.AsyncFunctionDef): properties.append("async") if astroid_utils.is_decorated_with_singledispatch(node): properties.append("singledispatch") elif astroid_utils.is_decorated_with_property(node): type_ = "property" if node.type == "classmethod": properties.append(node.type) if node.is_abstract(pass_is_abstract=False): properties.append("abstractmethod") else: # "__new__" method is implicit classmethod if node.type in ("staticmethod", "classmethod") and != "__new__": properties.append(node.type) if node.is_abstract(pass_is_abstract=False): properties.append("abstractmethod") if isinstance(node, nodes.AsyncFunctionDef): properties.append("async") if astroid_utils.is_decorated_with_overload(node): type_ = "overload" doc, doc_inherited = astroid_utils.get_func_docstring(node) data: ItemData = { "type": type_, "full_name": _get_full_name(, state.name_stack), "doc": fix_docstring_indent(doc), "args": astroid_utils.get_args_info(node.args), "return_annotation": astroid_utils.get_return_annotation(node), } if doc_inherited is not None: data["doc_inherited"] = doc_inherited if node.fromlineno is not None and node.tolineno is not None: data["range"] = (node.fromlineno, node.tolineno) if properties: data["properties"] = properties yield data if == "__init__": for child in node.get_children(): if isinstance(child, (nodes.Assign, nodes.AnnAssign)): child_data = _yield_assign(child, state) for data in child_data: if data["doc"]: yield data
[docs]def yield_class_def(node: nodes.ClassDef, state: State) -> t.Iterable[ItemData]: """Yield data for a class definition node.""" type_ = "class" if astroid_utils.is_exception(node): type_ = "exception" basenames = [astroid_utils.resolve_annotation(base) for base in node.bases] doc, doc_inherited = astroid_utils.get_class_docstring(node) parent: ItemData = { "type": type_, "full_name": _get_full_name(, state.name_stack), "bases": basenames, "doc": fix_docstring_indent(doc), } if doc_inherited is not None: parent["doc_inherited"] = doc_inherited if node.fromlineno is not None and node.tolineno is not None: parent["range"] = (node.fromlineno, node.tolineno) yield parent new_state = state.copy(name_stack=[*state.name_stack,]) overridden: set[str] = set() # a list of methods overridden by class inheritance for base in itertools.chain(iter((node,)), node.ancestors()): seen: set[str] = set() if base.qname() in ( "__builtins__.object", "builtins.object", "builtins.type", ): continue for child in base.get_children(): name = getattr(child, "name", None) if isinstance(child, (nodes.Assign, nodes.AnnAssign)): assign_value = astroid_utils.get_assign_value(child) if not assign_value: continue name = assign_value[0] if not name or name in overridden: continue seen.add(name) for ancestor in walk_node(child, new_state): if ( _get_parent_name(ancestor["full_name"]) == parent["full_name"] ) and (base is not node): ancestor["inherited"] = base.qname() yield ancestor overridden.update(seen)
_FUNC_MAPPER: dict[ nodes.NodeNG, t.Callable[[nodes.NodeNG, State], t.Iterable[ItemData]] ] = { nodes.Module: yield_module, nodes.AnnAssign: yield_annotation_assign, nodes.Assign: yield_assign, nodes.FunctionDef: yield_function_def, nodes.AsyncFunctionDef: yield_function_def, nodes.ClassDef: yield_class_def, }