Source code for autodoc2.config

"""The configuration for the extension."""
from __future__ import annotations

from copy import deepcopy
import dataclasses as dc
from importlib import import_module
import re
import typing as t

    from autodoc2.render.base import RendererBase

[docs]class ValidationError(Exception): """An error validating a config value."""
CONFIG_PREFIX = "autodoc2_"
[docs]@dc.dataclass class PackageConfig: """A package-level config item.""" path: str = dc.field( metadata={ "help": "The path to the package, " "relative to the source directory (POSIX format).", "sphinx_type": str, } ) from_git_clone: tuple[str, str] | None = dc.field( default=None, metadata={ "help": "Clone a git (url, branch/tag)/ " "If using this option the 'path' will be relative to root of the cloned repository.", }, ) module: str | None = dc.field( default=None, metadata={ "help": "The module to use as the root of the package, " "otherwise the file/directory name is used." }, ) exclude_dirs: list[str] = dc.field( default_factory=lambda: ["__pycache__"], metadata={ "help": "Directories to exclude from module analysis (matched by fnmatch).", }, ) exclude_files: list[str] = dc.field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "help": "Files to exclude from module gathering (matched by fnmatch).", }, ) auto_mode: bool = dc.field( default=True, metadata={ "help": "Whether to automatically generate documentation for the package.", }, )
[docs] def as_triple(self) -> t.Iterable[tuple[str, t.Any, dc.Field]]: # type: ignore[type-arg] """Yield triples of (name, value, field).""" fields = { f for f in dc.fields(self.__class__)} for name, value in dc.asdict(self).items(): yield name, value, fields[name]
[docs]def _coerce_packages(name: str, item: t.Any) -> list[PackageConfig]: """Coerce the packages config option to a set.""" if not isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): raise ValidationError(f"{name} must be a list") if len(item) == 0: raise ValidationError(f"{name} must not be empty") # make sure we don't mutate the original (triggers sphinx total rebuild) new = [deepcopy(i) for i in item] for i, package in enumerate(new[:]): # TODO here we should use the PackageConfig to validate if isinstance(package, str): new[i] = package = {"path": package} if not isinstance(package, dict): raise ValidationError(f"{name}[{i}] must be a string or dict") if not isinstance(package["path"], str): raise ValidationError(f"{name}[{i}]['path'] must be a string") if package["path"].startswith("/"): raise ValidationError(f"{name}[{i}]['path'] must be relative") if "path" not in package: raise ValidationError(f"{name}[{i}] must have a 'path' key") if "from_git_clone" in package: if not isinstance(package["from_git_clone"], (tuple, list)): raise ValidationError( f"{name}[{i}]['from_git_clone'] must be a tuple/list" ) if len(package["from_git_clone"]) != 2: raise ValidationError( f"{name}[{i}]['from_git_clone'] must be a tuple of length 2" ) for idx in (0, 1): if not isinstance(package["from_git_clone"][idx], str): raise ValidationError( f"{name}[{i}]['from_git_clone'][{idx}] must be a string" ) if "module" in package and not isinstance(package["module"], str): raise ValidationError(f"{name}[{i}]['module'] must be a string") for key in ("exclude_files", "exclude_dirs"): if key in package and ( not isinstance(package[key], list) or not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in package[key]) ): raise ValidationError(f"{name}[{i}][{key!r}] must be a list of strings") if "autodoc" in package and not isinstance(package["autodoc"], bool): raise ValidationError(f"{name}[{i}]['autodoc'] must be a boolean") return [PackageConfig(**p) for p in new]
[docs]def _validate_replace_list(name: str, item: t.Any) -> list[tuple[str, str]]: """Validate that an item is a list of tuples.""" if not isinstance(item, list) or not all( isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) and len(x) == 2 for x in item ): raise ValidationError(f"{name!r} must be a list of (string, string) tuples") return [(str(x[0]), str(x[1])) for x in item]
[docs]def _validate_hidden_objects(name: str, item: t.Any) -> set[str]: """Validate that the hidden objects config option is a set.""" if not isinstance(item, (list, tuple, set)) or not all( isinstance(x, str) for x in item ): raise ValidationError(f"{name!r} must be a list of string") value = set(item) _valid = {"undoc", "dunder", "private", "inherited"} if not value.issubset(_valid): raise ValidationError(f"{name!r} must be a subset of {_valid}") return value
[docs]def _validate_regex_list(name: str, item: t.Any) -> list[t.Pattern[str]]: """Validate that an item is a list of regexes.""" if not isinstance(item, list) or not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in item): raise ValidationError(f"{name!r} must be a list of string") compiled = [] for i, regex in enumerate(set(item)): try: compiled.append(re.compile(regex)) except re.error as exc: raise ValidationError(f"{name}[{i}] is not a valid regex: {exc}") return compiled
[docs]def _validate_list_tuple_regex_str( name: str, item: t.Any ) -> list[tuple[t.Pattern[str], str]]: """Validate that an item is a list of (regex, str) tuples.""" if not isinstance(item, list) or not all( isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) and len(x) == 2 for x in item ): raise ValidationError(f"{name!r} must be a list of (string, string) tuples") compiled = [] for i, (regex, replacement) in enumerate(item): try: compiled.append((re.compile(regex), replacement)) except re.error as exc: raise ValidationError(f"{name}[{i}] is not a valid regex: {exc}") return compiled
[docs]def _load_renderer(name: str, item: t.Any) -> type[RendererBase]: """Load a renderer class.""" from autodoc2.render.base import RendererBase if isinstance(item, type) and issubclass(item, RendererBase): return item if not isinstance(item, str): raise ValidationError( f"{name!r} must be a string or subclass of {RendererBase.__qualname__}" ) if item in ("rst", "restructuredtext"): from autodoc2.render.rst_ import RstRenderer return RstRenderer if item in ("markdown", "md", "myst"): from autodoc2.render.myst_ import MystRenderer return MystRenderer try: module_path, klass_name = item.rsplit(".", 1) mod = import_module(module_path) kls = getattr(mod, klass_name) except ImportError as exc: raise ValidationError(f"{name!r} could not be loaded: {exc}") from exc if not isinstance(kls, type) or not issubclass(kls, RendererBase): raise ValidationError( f"{name!r} must load a subclass of {RendererBase.__qualname__}" ) return kls
[docs]def _load_regex_renderers( name: str, item: t.Any ) -> list[tuple[t.Pattern[str], type[RendererBase]]]: """Load a list of (regex, renderer).""" if not isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): raise ValidationError(f"{name!r} must be a list or tuple") new: list[tuple[t.Pattern[str], type[RendererBase]]] = [] for i, child in enumerate(item): if not (isinstance(child, (list, tuple)) and len(child) == 2): raise ValidationError(f"{name}[{i}] must be a list/tuple of length 2") try: pattern = re.compile(child[0]) except re.error as exc: raise ValidationError(f"{name}[{i}][0] is not a valid regex: {exc}") klass = _load_renderer(f"{name}[{i}][1]", child[1]) new.append((pattern, klass)) return new
[docs]@dc.dataclass class Config: """The configuration for autoapi.""" packages: list[PackageConfig] = dc.field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "help": ( "The packages to analyse. " "Each item can be a simple string, " "pointing to the package path, " "relative to the source directory (in POSIX format), " "or it can be a dictionary with more fine-grained control " "(see {ref}`config:package`))." ), "sphinx_type": list, "sphinx_validate": _coerce_packages, "doc_type": "list[str | dict]", "category": "required", }, ) output_dir: str = dc.field( default="apidocs", metadata={ "help": ( "The root output directory for the documentation, " "relative to the source directory (in POSIX format)." ), "sphinx_type": str, "category": "render", }, ) render_plugin: type[RendererBase] = dc.field( default_factory=(lambda: _load_renderer("render_plugin", "rst")), metadata={ "help": ( "The renderer to use for the documentation. " "This can be one of `rst` or `md`/`myst`, " "to use the built-in renderers, " "or a string pointing to a class that inherits from `RendererBase`, " "such as `mypackage.mymodule.MyRenderer`." ), "sphinx_type": str, "sphinx_default": "rst", "sphinx_validate": _load_renderer, "doc_type": "str", "category": "render", }, ) render_plugin_regexes: list[tuple[t.Pattern[str], type[RendererBase]]] = dc.field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "help": "A list of (regex, renderer) to use for specific modules", "sphinx_type": list, "sphinx_validate": _load_regex_renderers, "doc_type": "list[tuple[str, str]]", "category": "render", }, ) module_all_regexes: list[t.Pattern[str]] = dc.field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "help": "Regexes which match fully qualified module names, " "to specify they should use the `__all__` when " "determining which children to document", "sphinx_type": list, "sphinx_validate": _validate_regex_list, "doc_type": "list[str]", "category": "render", }, ) skip_module_regexes: list[t.Pattern[str]] = dc.field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "help": "Regexes which match fully qualified module/package names, to skip them", "sphinx_type": list, "sphinx_validate": _validate_regex_list, "doc_type": "list[str]", "category": "render", }, ) hidden_objects: set[ t.Literal["undoc", "dunder", "private", "inherited"] ] = dc.field( default_factory=lambda: {"inherited"}, metadata={ "help": ( "The default hidden items. " "Can contain:\n" "- `undoc`: undocumented objects\n" "- `dunder`: double-underscore methods, e.g. `__str__`\n" "- `private`: single-underscore methods, e.g. `_private`\n" "- `inherited`: inherited class methods\n" ), "sphinx_type": list, "sphinx_validate": _validate_hidden_objects, "doc_type": 'list["undoc" | "dunder" | "private" | "inherited"]', "category": "render", }, ) hidden_regexes: list[t.Pattern[str]] = dc.field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "help": "Regexes which match against fully qualified names, to mark them as hidden", "sphinx_type": list, "sphinx_validate": _validate_regex_list, "doc_type": "list[str]", "category": "render", }, ) no_index: bool = dc.field( default=False, metadata={ "help": "Do not generate a cross-reference index.", "sphinx_type": bool, "category": "render", }, ) deprecated_module_regexes: list[t.Pattern[str]] = dc.field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "help": "Regexes which match against module names, to mark them as deprecated", "sphinx_type": list, "sphinx_validate": _validate_regex_list, "doc_type": "list[str]", "category": "render", }, ) module_summary: bool = dc.field( default=True, metadata={ "help": "Whether to include a per-module summary.", "sphinx_type": bool, "category": "render", }, ) docstring_parser_regexes: list[tuple[t.Pattern[str], str]] = dc.field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "help": "Match fully qualified names against regexes to use a specific parser. " "The parser can be one of 'rst', 'myst', or the fully qualified name of a custom parser class. " "The first match is used. ", "sphinx_type": list, "sphinx_validate": _validate_list_tuple_regex_str, "doc_type": "list[tuple[str, str]]", "category": "render", }, ) class_docstring: t.Literal["merge", "both"] = dc.field( default="merge", metadata={ "help": ( "How to handle documenting of classes. " "If `merge`, the `__init__` docstring is appended to the class docstring " "and the `__init__` method is omitted." "If `both`, then the `__init__` method is included separately." ), "sphinx_type": str, "doc_type": '"merge" | "both"', "category": "render", }, ) class_inheritance: bool = dc.field( default=True, metadata={ "help": "Whether to document class inheritance.", "sphinx_type": bool, "category": "render", }, ) annotations: bool = dc.field( default=True, metadata={ "help": "Whether to include annotations.", "sphinx_type": bool, "category": "render", }, ) docstrings: t.Literal["all", "direct", "none"] = dc.field( default="direct", metadata={ "help": "Which objects to include docstrings for. " "'direct' means only from objects that are not inherited.", "sphinx_type": str, "doc_type": '"all" | "direct"', "category": "render", }, ) sort_names: bool = dc.field( default=False, metadata={ "help": "Whether to sort by name, when documenting, otherwise order by source", "sphinx_type": bool, "category": "render", }, ) replace_annotations: list[tuple[str, str]] = dc.field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "help": "List of (from, to) for annotation replacements", "sphinx_type": list, "sphinx_validate": _validate_replace_list, "category": "render", }, ) replace_bases: list[tuple[str, str]] = dc.field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "help": "List of (from, to) for class base replacements", "sphinx_type": list, "sphinx_validate": _validate_replace_list, "category": "render", }, ) index_template: str | None = dc.field( default=( "API Reference\n" "=============\n" "\n" "This page contains auto-generated API reference documentation [#f1]_.\n" "\n" ".. toctree::\n" " :titlesonly:\n" "{% for package in top_level %}\n" " {{ package }}\n" "{%- endfor %}\n" "\n" ".. [#f1] Created with `sphinx-autodoc2 <>`_\n" "\n" ), metadata={ "help": ( "The Jinja template for the top-level {output_dir}/index.rst, " "or None if no index should be written. " "The template will be passed a ``top_level`` variable, " "which is a list of top-level package/module names." ), "sphinx_type": (str, type(None)), "category": "render", }, ) # TODO regexes # module_summary: bool | None = None # class_inheritance: bool | None = None # class_docstring: t.Literal["merge", "both"] | None = None # annotations: bool | None = None # sort_names: bool | None = None # docstrings
[docs] def as_triple(self) -> t.Iterable[tuple[str, t.Any, dc.Field]]: # type: ignore[type-arg] """Yield triples of (name, value, field).""" fields = { f for f in dc.fields(self.__class__)} for name, value in dc.asdict(self).items(): yield name, value, fields[name]