Source code for autodoc2.render.base

"""Convert the database items into documentation."""
# note, for the directives and options see:
from __future__ import annotations

import abc
from collections import OrderedDict
import typing as t

from autodoc2.resolve_all import AllResolver
from autodoc2.utils import WarningSubtypes

    from autodoc2.config import Config
    from autodoc2.db import Database
    from autodoc2.utils import ARGS_TYPE, ItemData

[docs]class RendererBase(abc.ABC): """The base renderer.""" EXTENSION: t.ClassVar[str] = ".txt" """The extension for the output files.""" def __init__( self, db: Database, config: Config, *, warn: t.Callable[[str, WarningSubtypes], None] | None = None, all_resolver: AllResolver | None = None, standalone: bool = True, ) -> None: """Initialise the renderer. :param db: The database to obtain objects from. :param config: The configuration. :param warn: The function to use to log warnings. :param all_resolver: The resolver to use, for following __all__ children. :param standalone: If True, this renderer is being used to create a standalone document """ self._db = db self._config = config self._standalone = standalone self._warn = warn or (lambda msg, type_: None) self._all_resolver = ( AllResolver( self._db, lambda x: self._warn(x, WarningSubtypes.ALL_RESOLUTION) ) if all_resolver is None else all_resolver ) self._is_hidden_cache: OrderedDict[str, bool] = OrderedDict() """Cache for the is_hidden function: full_name -> bool.""" @property def config(self) -> Config: """The configuration.""" return self._config @property def standalone(self) -> bool: """If True, this renderer is being used to create a standalone document.""" return self._standalone
[docs] def warn( self, msg: str, type_: WarningSubtypes = WarningSubtypes.RENDER_ERROR ) -> None: """Warn the user.""" self._warn(msg, type_)
[docs] def get_item(self, full_name: str) -> ItemData | None: """Get an item from the database, by full_name.""" return self._db.get_item(full_name)
[docs] def get_children( self, item: ItemData, types: None | set[str] = None, *, omit_hidden: bool = True, ) -> t.Iterable[ItemData]: """Get the children of this item, sorted according to the config. If module and full_name in module_all_regexes, it will use the __all__ list instead of the children. :param item: The item to get the children of. :param types: If given, only return items of these types. :param omit_hidden: If True, omit hidden items. """ if item["type"] in {"module", "package"} and any( pat.fullmatch(item["full_name"]) for pat in self.config.module_all_regexes ): resolved = self._all_resolver.get_resolved_all(item["full_name"])[ "resolved" ] for all_name in ( sorted(item.get("all") or []) if self.config.sort_names else item.get("all") or [] ): if all_name not in resolved: continue resolved_name = resolved[all_name] resolved_item: None | ItemData if ( types == {"external"} and resolved_name.split(".")[0] != item["full_name"].split(".")[0] ): # special case, for use only in the summary table # These are items that are not in the same module as the parent, # that were exposed via __all__. resolved_item = { "full_name": resolved_name, "type": "external", "doc": "", } else: resolved_item = self._db.get_item(resolved_name) if not ( resolved_item is None or (types is not None and resolved_item["type"] not in types) or (omit_hidden and self.is_hidden(resolved_item)) ): yield resolved_item else: for child in self._db.get_children( item["full_name"], types=types, sort_name=self.config.sort_names ): if omit_hidden and self.is_hidden(child): continue yield child
[docs] def is_hidden(self, item: ItemData) -> bool: """Whether this object should be displayed in documentation. Based on configuration regarding: - does i match a hidden regex pattern - does it have documentation - is it a dunder, i.e. __name__ - is it a private member, i.e. starts with _, but not a dunder - is it an inherited member of a class """ if item["full_name"] in self._is_hidden_cache: return self._is_hidden_cache[item["full_name"]] # TODO also whether it is imported, but this is only when following __all__ short_name = item["full_name"].split(".")[-1] is_hidden: bool = ( any(p.fullmatch(item["full_name"]) for p in self.config.hidden_regexes) or ( item["type"] in ("module", "package") and any( p.fullmatch(item["full_name"]) for p in self.config.skip_module_regexes ) ) or ("undoc" in self.config.hidden_objects and not item.get("doc", "")) or ( "inherited" in self.config.hidden_objects and bool(item.get("inherited", False)) ) or ( "dunder" in self.config.hidden_objects and short_name.startswith("__") and short_name.endswith("__") ) or ( "private" in self.config.hidden_objects and short_name.startswith("_") and not short_name.endswith("__") ) ) self._is_hidden_cache[item["full_name"]] = is_hidden if len(self._is_hidden_cache) > 1000: self._is_hidden_cache.popitem(last=False) return is_hidden
[docs] def is_module_deprecated(self, item: ItemData) -> bool: """Whether this module is deprecated.""" return any( p.fullmatch(item["full_name"]) for p in self.config.deprecated_module_regexes )
[docs] def no_index(self, item: ItemData) -> bool: """Whether this item should be excluded from search engines.""" return self.config.no_index
[docs] def show_module_summary(self, item: ItemData) -> bool: """Whether to show a summary for this module/package.""" return self.config.module_summary
[docs] def show_class_inheritance(self, item: ItemData) -> bool: """Whether to show the inheritance for this class.""" return self.config.class_inheritance
[docs] def show_annotations(self, item: ItemData) -> bool: """Whether to show type annotations.""" return self.config.annotations
[docs] def show_docstring(self, item: ItemData) -> bool: """Whether to show the docstring.""" if self.config.docstrings == "all": return True if self.config.docstrings == "direct" and not ( (item.get("inherited")) or (item.get("doc_inherited")) ): return True return False
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def render_item(self, full_name: str) -> t.Iterable[str]: """Yield the content for a single item."""
[docs] def format_args( self, args_info: ARGS_TYPE, include_annotations: bool = True, ignore_self: None | str = None, ) -> str: """Format the arguments of a function or method.""" result = [] for i, (prefix, name, annotation, default) in enumerate(args_info): if i == 0 and ignore_self is not None and name == ignore_self: continue annotation = self.format_annotation(annotation) formatted = ( (prefix or "") + (name or "") + (f": {annotation}" if annotation and include_annotations else "") + ( (" = {}" if annotation else "={}").format(default) if default else "" ) ) result.append(formatted) return ", ".join(result)
[docs] def format_annotation(self, annotation: None | str) -> str: """Format a single type annotation.""" if annotation: # TODO can this be optimised? # could do something like in init: # rgx = re.compile("(" + "|".join(re.escape(i) for i in r) + ")") # then here: rgx.sub(lambda x: r[], annotation) for in_, out_ in self.config.replace_annotations: annotation = annotation.replace(in_, out_) return annotation or ""
[docs] def format_base(self, base: None | str) -> str: """Format a single class base type.""" if base: for in_, out_ in self.config.replace_bases: base = base.replace(in_, out_) return base or ""
[docs] def get_doc_parser(self, full_name: str) -> str: """Get the parser for the docstring of this item. Returns `""` if it should be parsed using the current parser. """ for pattern, parser in self.config.docstring_parser_regexes: if pattern.fullmatch(full_name): return parser return ""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def generate_summary( self, objects: list[ItemData], alias: dict[str, str] | None = None ) -> t.Iterable[str]: """Generate a summary of the objects. :param objects: A list of fully qualified names. :param alias: A mapping of fully qualified names to a display alias. """