Source code for autodoc2.sphinx.docstring

"""Directive for rendering docstrings."""
from __future__ import annotations

from contextlib import contextmanager
import typing as t

from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers import Parser, get_parser_class
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives, roles
from docutils.statemachine import StringList
from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective, new_document
from sphinx.util.logging import prefixed_warnings

from autodoc2.sphinx.utils import get_database, nested_parse_generated, warn_sphinx
from autodoc2.utils import WarningSubtypes

    from docutils.parsers.rst.states import RSTStateMachine

[docs]def parser_options(argument: str) -> Parser | None: """ Return a docutils parser whose name matches the argument. (Directive option conversion function.) Return `None`, if the argument evaluates to `False`. Raise `ValueError` if importing the parser module fails. """ if not argument or not argument.strip(): return None if argument in ("myst", "markdown", "md"): # we want to use the sphinx parser, not the docutils one argument = "myst_parser.sphinx_" try: return get_parser_class(argument) except ImportError as err: raise ValueError(str(err))
[docs]def summary_option(argument: str) -> int | None: """Must be empty or a positive integer.""" if argument and argument.strip(): try: value = int(argument) except ValueError: raise ValueError("non-integer value; must be an integer") if value < 0: raise ValueError("negative value; must be positive or zero") return value else: return None
[docs]class DocstringRenderer(SphinxDirective): """Directive to render a docstring of an object.""" has_content = False required_arguments = 1 # the full name optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = True option_spec: t.ClassVar[dict[str, t.Any]] = { "parser": parser_options, "allowtitles": directives.flag, # used for module docstrings "summary": summary_option, # number of children to return "literal": directives.flag, # return the literal docstring "literal-lexer": directives.unchanged, # the lexer to use for literal "literal-linenos": directives.flag, # add line numbers to literal }
[docs] def run(self) -> list[nodes.Node]: """Run the directive {a}`1`.""" directive_source, directive_line = self.get_source_info() # warnings take the docname and line number warning_loc = (self.env.docname, directive_line) # find the database item for this object full_name: str = self.arguments[0] autodoc2_db = get_database(self.env) item = autodoc2_db.get_item(full_name) if item is None: if "summary" not in self.options: # summaries can include items imported from external modules # which may not be in the database, so we don't warn about those warn_sphinx( f"Could not find {full_name}", WarningSubtypes.NAME_NOT_FOUND, location=warning_loc, ) return [] # find the source path for this object, by walking up the parent tree source_name = item["doc_inherited"] if item.get("doc_inherited") else full_name source_path: str | None = None for ancestor in autodoc2_db.get_ancestors(source_name, include_self=True): if ancestor is None: break # should never happen if "file_path" in ancestor: source_path = ancestor["file_path"] break source_item = autodoc2_db.get_item(source_name) # also get the line number within the file source_offset = ( source_item["range"][0] if source_item and ("range" in source_item) else 0 ) if source_path: # ensure rebuilds when the source file changes self.env.note_dependency(source_path) if not item["doc"].strip(): return [] if "literal" in self.options: # return the literal docstring literal = nodes.literal_block(text=item["doc"]) self.set_source_info(literal) if "literal-lexer" in self.options: literal["language"] = self.options["literal-lexer"] if "literal-linenos" in self.options: literal["linenos"] = True literal["highlight_args"] = {"linenostart": 1 + source_offset} return [literal] # now we run the actual parsing # here things get a little tricky: # 1. We want to parse the docstring according to the correct parser, # which, may not be the same as the current parser. # 2. We want to set the source path and line number correctly # so that warnings and errors are reported against the actual source documentation. with prefixed_warnings("[Autodoc2]:"): if self.options.get("parser", None): # parse into a dummy document and return created nodes parser: Parser = self.options["parser"]() document = new_document( source_path or self.state.document["source"], self.state.document.settings, ) document.reporter.get_source_and_line = lambda li: ( source_path, li + source_offset, ) with parsing_context(): parser.parse(item["doc"], document) children = document.children or [] else: doc_lines = item["doc"].splitlines() if source_path: # Here we perform a nested render, but temporarily setup the document/reporter # with the correct document path and lineno for the included file. with change_source( self.state, source_path, source_offset - directive_line ): base = nodes.Element() base.source = source_path base.line = source_offset content = StringList( doc_lines, source=source_path, items=[ (source_path, i + source_offset + 1) for i in range(len(doc_lines)) ], ) self.state.nested_parse( content, 0, base, match_titles="allowtitles" in self.options ) else: base = nested_parse_generated( self.state, doc_lines, directive_source, directive_line, match_titles="allowtitles" in self.options, ) children = base.children or [] if children and ("summary" in self.options): if self.options["summary"] in (None, 1): return [children[0]] return children[: self.options["summary"]] return children
[docs]@contextmanager def parsing_context() -> t.Generator[None, None, None]: """Restore the parsing context after a nested parse with a different parser.""" should_restore = False if "" in roles._roles: blankrole = roles._roles[""] try: yield finally: if should_restore: roles._roles[""] = blankrole
[docs]@contextmanager def change_source( state: RSTStateMachine, source_path: str, line_offset: int ) -> t.Generator[None, None, None]: """Temporarily change the source and line number.""" # TODO also override the warning message to include the original source source = state.document["source"] rsource = state.reporter.source line_func = getattr(state.reporter, "get_source_and_line", None) try: state.document["source"] = source_path state.reporter.source = source_path state.reporter.get_source_and_line = lambda li: ( source_path, li + line_offset, ) yield finally: state.document["source"] = source state.reporter.source = rsource if line_func is not None: state.reporter.get_source_and_line = line_func else: del state.reporter.get_source_and_line
[docs]def _example(a: int, b: str) -> None: """This is an example docstring, written in MyST. It has a code fence: ```python a = "hallo" ``` and a table: | a | b | c | | - | - | - | | 1 | 2 | 3 | and, using the `fieldlist` extension, a field list: :param a: the first parameter :param b: the second parameter :return: the return value """