Source code for autodoc2.sphinx.extension

"""The sphinx extension for the package."""
from __future__ import annotations

from contextlib import suppress
import hashlib
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
import shutil
import subprocess
from time import sleep
import typing as t

from sphinx.application import Sphinx

from autodoc2 import __version__
from autodoc2.analysis import analyse_module
from autodoc2.config import CONFIG_PREFIX, Config
from autodoc2.db import UniqueError
from autodoc2.sphinx.autodoc import AutodocObject
from autodoc2.sphinx.docstring import DocstringRenderer
from autodoc2.sphinx.summary import AutodocSummary
from autodoc2.sphinx.utils import (
from autodoc2.utils import WarningSubtypes, yield_modules

    from sphinx.util.display import status_iterator
except ImportError:
    # sphinx <6 compatibility
    from sphinx.util import status_iterator  # type: ignore

[docs]def setup(app: Sphinx) -> dict[str, str | bool]: """Entry point for sphinx.""" # create the configuration options for name, default, field in Config().as_triple(): sphinx_type = t.Any if "sphinx_type" in field.metadata: sphinx_type = field.metadata["sphinx_type"] if sphinx_type in (str, int, float, bool, list): sphinx_type = (sphinx_type,) app.add_config_value( f"{CONFIG_PREFIX}{name}", field.metadata.get("sphinx_default", default), "env", types=sphinx_type, ) # create the main event app.connect("builder-inited", run_autodoc) app.add_directive("autodoc2-docstring", DocstringRenderer) app.add_directive("autodoc2-summary", AutodocSummary) app.add_directive("autodoc2-object", AutodocObject) # TODO support viewcode, when a package is not installed return { "version": __version__, # TODO allow for parallelization of some form "parallel_read_safe": True, "parallel_write_safe": True, }
[docs]def run_autodoc(app: Sphinx) -> None: """The primary sphinx call back event for sphinx.""" config = load_config(app) top_level_modules = [] for i, _ in enumerate(config.packages): mod_path = run_autodoc_package(app, config, i) if mod_path is not None: top_level_modules.append(mod_path) # create the index page if top_level_modules and config.index_template: import jinja2 content_str = jinja2.Template(config.index_template).render( top_level=top_level_modules ) index_path = Path(app.srcdir) / PurePosixPath(config.output_dir) / "index.rst" if not (index_path.exists() and index_path.read_text("utf8") == content_str): index_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) index_path.write_text(content_str, "utf8")
[docs]def run_autodoc_package(app: Sphinx, config: Config, pkg_index: int) -> str | None: """Run autodoc for a single package. :return: The top level module name, relative to the api directory. """ package = config.packages[pkg_index] # find all the modules to analyse root_path: None | Path = Path(app.srcdir) if package.from_git_clone is not None: url, ref = package.from_git_clone root_path = get_git_clone(app, url, ref, config) if root_path is None: return None path = root_path / PurePosixPath(package.path) modules: t.Iterable[tuple[Path, str]] if path.is_file(): root_module = package.module or path.stem modules = [(path, root_module)] elif path.is_dir(): root_module = package.module or modules = list( yield_modules( path, root_module=root_module, exclude_dirs=package.exclude_dirs, exclude_files=package.exclude_files, ) ) else: warn_sphinx(f"Package {path} does not exist", WarningSubtypes.MISSING_MODULE) return None autodoc2_db = get_database(app.env) # store mapping of file paths to root modules and their hashes # this allows us to check if we need to re-analyse a module autodoc2_cache: dict[str, EnvCache] if not hasattr(app.env, "autodoc2_cache"): app.env.autodoc2_cache = autodoc2_cache = {} # type: ignore else: autodoc2_cache = app.env.autodoc2_cache # compute the hash of the modules, # so we can check if we need to re-analyse them hasher = hashlib.sha256() for mod_path, _ in sorted(modules): hasher.update(mod_path.read_bytes()) hash_str = hasher.hexdigest() if ( path.as_posix() in autodoc2_cache and autodoc2_cache[path.as_posix()]["hash"] == hash_str and autodoc2_cache[path.as_posix()]["root_module"] == root_module ):"[Autodoc2] Using cached analysis {root_module!r}") # TODO perhaps to keep the database upd-to-date we also need to detect # if something has been removed else: # clear the current module from the database autodoc2_db.remove(root_module, descendants=True) get_all_analyser(app.env).clear_cache() # analyse the modules and write to the database for mod_path, mod_name in status_iterator( modules, "[Autodoc2] Analysing package...", length=len(modules), stringify_func=(lambda x: str(x[1])), ): for data in analyse_module(mod_path, mod_name): try: autodoc2_db.add(data) except UniqueError: warn_sphinx( f"Duplicate item {data['full_name']} ({data['type']})", WarningSubtypes.DUPLICATE_ITEM, ) autodoc2_cache[path.as_posix()] = {"hash": hash_str, "root_module": root_module} output = Path(app.srcdir) / PurePosixPath(config.output_dir) / root_module if not package.auto_mode: if output.exists() and output.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(output) return None # find all the package/module, so we know what files to write"[Autodoc2] Determining files to write ...") to_write: list[str] = [] stack = [root_module] while stack: item = stack.pop() to_write.append(item) stack.extend( [ mod for mod in autodoc2_db.get_children_names(item, {"package", "module"}) if not any(pat.fullmatch(mod) for pat in config.skip_module_regexes) ] ) def _warn_render(msg: str, type_: WarningSubtypes) -> None: warn_sphinx(msg, type_) # write the files output.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) paths = [] for mod_name in status_iterator( to_write, "[Autodoc2] Writing modules...", length=len(to_write), stringify_func=(lambda x: str(x)), ): render_cls = config.render_plugin for pat, cls in config.render_plugin_regexes: if pat.fullmatch(mod_name): render_cls = cls break content = "\n".join( render_cls( autodoc2_db, config, all_resolver=get_all_analyser(app.env), warn=_warn_render, ).render_item(mod_name) ) out_path = output / (mod_name + render_cls.EXTENSION) paths.append(out_path) if not (out_path.exists() and out_path.read_text("utf8") == content): # Don't write the file if it hasn't changed # this means that sphinx doesn't mark it for rebuild (mtime based) out_path.write_text(content, "utf8") # clean old files for path in output.iterdir(): if path.is_dir(): continue if path not in paths: path.unlink() return f"{root_module}/{root_module}"
[docs]def get_git_clone( app: Sphinx, url: str, branch_tag: str, config: Config ) -> None | Path: """Download a git repository to the given folder.""" # create a sha of the url and branch folder = hashlib.sha256(url.encode("utf8") + branch_tag.encode("utf8")).hexdigest() path = Path(app.outdir) / "_autodoc2_git_clones" / folder if path.exists(): return path"[Autodoc2] Cloning {url}@{branch_tag}") path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) retries = 3 while retries: try: subprocess.check_call( [ "git", "clone", "--single-branch", "--branch", branch_tag, url, str(path), ], env={"GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT": "0"}, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) break except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:"[Autodoc2] retrying clone {url}@{branch_tag} after: {err}") if path.exists(): # remove any partial clone with suppress(Exception): shutil.rmtree(path) sleep(2) retries -= 1 else: warn_sphinx( f"Failed to clone {url}@{branch_tag}", WarningSubtypes.GIT_CLONE_FAILED ) return None return path
[docs]class EnvCache(t.TypedDict): """Cache for the environment.""" hash: str # the hash of the package files root_module: str # the fully qualified root module name